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Udskiftning i vores Personale

Udskiftning i vores Personale

I januar måtte vi sige farvel til Tuncay som var daglig leder af Alanya Best Service, og dermed en af ​​de primære personer, I har været i kontakt med. Vi er kede af at lade Tuncay gå, og vil gerne takke ham for alt det arbejde, han har udført for Alanya Best Service....
Udskiftning i vores Personale

Personal change in office

In January we had to say farewell to Tuncay who was the daily manager of Alanya Best Service, and thus one of the primary person you have been in contact with. We are sorry to let Tuncay go, and would like to thank him for all the work he has done for Alanya Best...
Udskiftning i vores Personale

Personal change in office

In January we had to say farewell to Tuncay who was the daily manager of Alanya Best Service, and thus one of the primary person you have been in contact with. We are sorry to let Tuncay go, and would like to thank him for all the work he has done for Alanya Best...
Udskiftning i vores Personale

Personal change in office

In January we had to say farewell to Tuncay who was the daily manager of Alanya Best Service, and thus one of the primary person you have been in contact with. We are sorry to let Tuncay go, and would like to thank him for all the work he has done for Alanya Best...
Udskiftning i vores Personale

Personal change in office

In January we had to say farewell to Tuncay who was the daily manager of Alanya Best Service, and thus one of the primary person you have been in contact with. We are sorry to let Tuncay go, and would like to thank him for all the work he has done for Alanya Best...